Mainport in the Community

Mainport are very proud to be a Cork owned and based company. We strive to do our part in helping community initiatives both locally and internationally. Below are some examples.

Collaboration with Cork Simon Community

Irish Mainport Holdings are delighted with our new form of partnership with Cork Simon Community which combines some significant financial contribution as well as active engagement from Mainport team.

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'Mainport Lee' assisting the 'Croíneamh' Project 2020

September 28th the 'Mainport Lee' assisted the 'Croíneamh' project for remembering those who have lost their lives in recent years crossing the Mediterranean. Creative works were displayed around Cork City and river Lee from September 28th of this year.

Cork Missing Persons Search and Recovery 2019


Mainport are pleased that this very well worth while organisation, Cork City Missing Persons Search and Recovery continue to get support from fellow Port users.

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Irish Mainport have now been joined by Port of Cork, Lehane Environmental & industrial Services Ltd, CH Marine, Whelan Stores and Inver to help provide a new rib.

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The boat was launched February in Port of Cork jetty.

River Lee Clean Up


Mainport led the challenge to clean up the River Lee for its environmental project in 2007. This clean up was coordinated by Dave Ronayne and Capt Dave Hopkins. Not an easy Mission! However during the Summer 07 the big clean up began. Before any of the hard work got underway the issue of Health and Safety had to be addressed, Eddie English from the Cobh Sailing Centre gave us an excellent lecture on our safety, also Martina O’Mahony from Ascon helped us with all safety issues regarding bridges and quay walls.


We couldn’t have done the “Big Clean Up” without the Help of the following companies: Ascon, Theo Cullinane, Paul Roche, Martina O’Mahony and the lads in the water: Paddy Murphy, Chris Fitzgibbon, Sean O’Dwyer, Connie Hegarty, John DonovanWillie O’Brien crane hire, they really “lifted” our spirits! The Loftus empire,a huge appreciation for the Trojan work done by Hilary and Donnacha. All at Port of Cork were instrumental in this project and our thanks for their safety boat. Our thanks also to Cork City Council.


Meitheal Mara for their past, present and future help. O’Connors funeral home when we needed “bodies”! Naomhoga Chorcai was a huge help and lastly for the help from Cork Swimmers & Triathlon Club. We received a massive support from the Rotary Clubs of Cork.Please check our News section for updates and reports on how this great programme is performing.

Ocean to City Race 2018


Ocean to City – An Rás Mór is Ireland’s very own long-distance rowing race attracting hundreds of participants annually. In 2018, Mainport commissioned the building of a currach ‘Mainport Muirín’ from Cork’s own community boat builders Meitheal Mara Teoranta and entered the race. No trophy was lifted unfortunately but we look forward to competing again in this great day out.

Tragic Consequences of Typhoon Haiyan in November 2013 


We were all shocked when we saw on our TV screens the devastating consequences of typhoon Haiyan on the Philippines . The damage was horrendous and we know many families will have lost loved ones as well as homes and property .


We have many seafaring colleagues from the Philippines and there was little we could do for our colleagues other than offering them all our sympathies and prayers and practical help of ensuring they had extra free time if they were at sea with us , and to ensure everyone had enough telephone and internet time to check on family back home .


We also made a substantial cash donation to our crewing agency Norseman where this aid went directly to Panay island .

Mainport Garden in school of the Divine Child


The Summer of 2012 will be remembered in Cork as the worst in 50 years, but the management and staff of Mainport decided to bring some sunshine into the school days of the pupils and staff of the School of the Divine Child, Lavanagh Centre, Ballintemple, Cork. This school are our neighbours in Monahan road and many of us had never been inside the front gates .

The School of the Divine Child was built in 1969, a special school for children with physical and multiple disabilities. The architects involved created a quad in the centre of the building which is used as the outdoor play area. There was a rockery here which had become overgrown and unsafe and therefore the place was seldom used by the children .


During the summer with the help and expertise of John Butler Landscaping, we have built a multipurpose maze and sensory garden in the quad. Now pupils can propel wheelchairs, walk around or just sit and admire this wonderful space where they can touch, smell and water the plants and enjoy the outdoors in a safe environment.

A special play area to one side is home to naughts and crosses, boccia and beanbag throw and a special seat can be used to relax but with the help of a desk or two this can become an outdoor classroom when weather will permit.


The staff at Mainport have really enjoyed being involved in this transformation and we hope it will bring many days of enjoyment to the pupils and staff of this very special school. We plan to continue our relationship with the school by helping with the ongoing maintenance , visiting the pupils and we now have plans to bring some of the pupils to see various parts of our work in Cork Port.